When you are in love, many kinds of attention, gifts, and compliments, as a sign of affection given by your partner, will be considered as something special. But what if the various signs of affection are given in excess with the intention of manipulating the relationship?
Love Bombing is a manipulative act that is carried out by someone to their partner where they’ll try to give any attention, admiration, and even gifts as a sign of excessive affection with the intention of making their partner feel dependent and obey that person. Love bombers will also make an ideal image of themselves in order to gain power over their partner.
For victims of love bombing who receive various kinds of signs of affection continuously will definitely feel very happy because of the increase of dopamine and endorphins in them. At the beginning of the relationship, everything went smoothly; it even seemed like a perfect relationship. It feels very loved, privileged, and needed by the perpetrators of love bombing. There will be self-confidence and the thought, “Oh, I think they’re the one” because of the continuous showering love. But unfortunately, the perfect relationship will change 180 degrees from before.
Love Bombing itself can be classified as a form of emotional abuse, which is dangerous for our mental health. When someone already feels dependent on the perpetrator of love bombing, the perpetrator doesn’t hesitate anymore to control the victim. It starts with controlling feelings, physically, and even their thoughts. Perpetrators of love bombing can also perform violent actions such as gaslighting, demeaning, and making the victim feels so worthless. At this stage, the victim no longer has any power over the relationship that is being undertaken by the love bombers.
The phenomenon of love bombing is something that must be avoided when wanting to have a relationship with someone. Although it feels very beautiful and loved at the beginning, it has a lot of bad effects in the end. We all don’t want to have that kind of relationship, do we?