Images by Press
Dropping hard beneath the deserted picture, Altero introduces a shocking collection the name of “Shell Shock”. A rubric of skateboard goods mainly highlights the entire collection with some raw attached graphics which draws a call-back scent of WW1. Throughout this collection, Altero prints down a clear manner of warfare in a range of T-shirts, Long-sleeved Shirts, Pants and Boards. And another shout out for fr3lan a.k.a Elansyah Putra for making the battle-field back to the days.
It’s true that fr3lan is responsible for collecting back some disastrous pictures into this collection. “Shell Shock” displays more than a staple if it compares to its historical conundrum taken as the theme. Raising the issue of the WW 1, Altero buffles the entire article with some regards of big-war collapsing artwork by fr3lan which is pretty much alike relating to its own theme.
“Shell Shock” collection is now widely available via Altero’s official webstore.